Tag Archives: Trans Allies


Denise Iandoli was born on March 5, 1950 as John Martin Iandoli. This documentary tells the story of her courageous journey of self-discovery, self-love and acceptance.


PRESS: Transgender Experiences on First Coast Connect

This past Tuesday, We Are Straight Allies Founder and Co-Creator Chevara Orrin, along with Gina Duncan from Equality Florida, Tricia Russell, Chair of the Jacksonville Coalition for Equality Gender Identity and Expression Committee and Cam, one of newest members of the JCE, appeared on First Coast Connect with Melissa Ross, as a continuation of our series discussing transgender experiences. [The segment begins at 29:20]

Listen to Transgender Experiences on First Coast Connect

Thank you to all of our partners and panelists for your courage to have dialogue in hopes that we may better educate our city about transgender people and why it is important that we protect the rights of our T-community – you rocked the house!

SOTRU Trans Families Live Listening Session

We Are Straight Allies and WJCT partnered with State of the Re:UNION to present a very special opportunity to listen to SOTRU’s most recent episode – “Trans Families” – hosted at MOCA Jacksonville on Wednesday, October 15 from 5:30-7:30pm. We’d like to thank our sponsors SunTrust and Human Rights Campaign for making this event possible.

We’d like to extend our deep appreciation to Al Letson for bringing this episode to light, for giving voice to families who support their loved ones, and for sharing the cross-section of beauty and challenges that is the “trans experience”.

To our panelists – Tricia, Brad ley, Cam – thank you for your courage and willingness to share your personal experiences and journey of transition with an audience that is eager to learn how to be allies of the trans* community so that we are empowered with ways to create change in our community and bring equality to all people.

To the allies who tuned in – thank you for questions and contributions to the conversation – let’s all make a commitment to keep the conversation going, to encourage more people to listen to the episode, and to find ways to eradicate the misinformation shared about our trans* loved ones.

….because nothing is more important than our humanity.

SOTRU Live Listening Session

For more photos from the event, CLICK HERE

The Entire Episode: Trans Families